Decisions Near the End of Life: Annotated Bibliography on 10 Topics in End-of-Life Care
By Education Development Center, Inc.
Originally developed as part of the curriculum materials for Decisions Near the End of Life, the Annotated Biblography consists of overview essays and annotated citations and resources on 10 topics, including Accommodating Religious and Cultural Diversity, Addressing Concerns about the Law, Advance Planning, Caring for the Dying, Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders, Forgoing Medically Supplied Nutrition and Hydration, Futility, Managed Care, Surrogate Decision Masking, and Utilization of Intensive Care Units.
Contact Info: Karen Heller (1-800-225-4276 x2343)
Project Website: Decisions Near the End of Life
Published by: Education Development Center, Inc.
Institutions enrolled in Decisions Near the End of Life may order the bibliography for a discounted rate. Please contact Karen Heller, Project Director, at 617/969-7100, ext. 2343.
Price: $20.00
SKU: 5821
(172 pp) Print
This product can be ordered via EDC's fulfillment center by calling 1-800-793-5076.