The New Media Literacy Handbook--An Educator's Guide To Bringing New Media Into the Classroom

By Cornelia Brunner, Ph.D., and William Tally

The New Media Literacy Handbook is an invaluable resource for educators seeking guidance in navigating through the vast new media landscape. This book has been designed to help teachers develop their own visual literacy skills, become more sophisticated users of media, and develop evaluation criteria for media products. In addition, the authors show how new media can be used in several academic disciplines - language arts, history, science, and art. With helpful exercises for teachers included in each chapter, The New Media Literacy Handbook is an essential tool for today's educators.

Contact Info: William Tally (2128074200 x4206)

Published by: Anchor Books, published by Doubleday (a division of Random House, Inc.) Order Info

Price: $14.00
ISBN: 0-385-49614-1
(228 pp) Print