Beyond Blame: Reacting to the Terrorist Attack

By Eric Jolly, Stephanie Malloy, and Marilyn Felt

In response to September's terrorist tragedy and subsequent attacks against Arab-Americans, EDC has developed a free, 25-page curriculum for middle and high school students focused on issues of justice and mislaid blame.

Beyond Blame: Reacting to the Terrorist Attack, which is co-sponsored by The Justice Project and the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation (VVAF), was designed by a team of EDC researchers and curriculum writers who were concerned that the terrorist attacks have created a hostile climate for Arab-Americans--much like the climate Japanese-Americans faced following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The curriculum features three lessons, designed to stimulate student reflection, discussion, and writing. Lesson 1, "What is Justice? What is the Injustice Here?", guides students through a discussion of the events of September 11th and reports of subsequent attacks and threats made against innocent people perceived to be of Arab descent. Lesson 2, "Has the Past Been Just?", examines parallels between today's events and the internment of Japanese-Americans in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Lesson 3, "How Can You Prevent Injustice?" leads students through a discussion of the kinds of actions they can take to prevent injustice, discrimination, and mislaid blame.

Contact Info: Patricia Sacco (1-800-225-4276 x2203)

Published by: Education Development Center, Inc.

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