A Multifaceted Social Norms Approach to Reduce High-Risk Drinking: Lessons from Hobart and William Smith Colleges
By H. Wesley Perkins and David W. Craig
The Hobart and William Smith Colleges Alcohol Education Project tested the social norms approach on the HWS campus to see if communicating accurate norms about actual student drinking behavior could produce substantial positive effects on alcohol use. The project's five components—(1) data collection; (2) print media campaigns; (3) electronic media campaign; (4) curriculum development; and (5) campus presentations, staff development, and cocurricular activities—worked in concert to create a comprehensive initiative to influence perceptions of social norms regarding alcohol use among students and, in turn, reduce actual high-risk drinking behavior. The U.S. Department of Education funded the implementation of the campus intervention, analysis of the results, and preparation of the dissemination report. This publication describes the five components and the results of the project's efforts. The HWS Project provides further evidence for the effectiveness of social norms efforts to reduce high-risk drinking and associated problems at colleges and universities.
Published by: Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention Order Info
Price: Free
SKU: HEC 117
(29 pp.)