Leading the Way in the Education Sector: Advocating for a Comprehensive Approach to HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean
By Mora Oommen, Diane Barry, and Kim Netter
This workbook is designed to help users advocate for a comprehensive approach to combating HIV and AIDS in the education sector.The frameworks, examples and worksheets provided here will guide users in designing an advocacy strategy to inform and influence policymakers and their colleagues.
Contact Info: Constance Constantine (1-800-225-4276 x2459)
Project Website: Advocacy and Leadership Campaign to Advance Education Response to HIV/AIDS
Published by: UNESCO Order Info
Download a copy of Leading the Way in the Education Sector: Advocating for a Comprehensive Approach to HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean (817 KB): http://www.caribbeanleaders.org/advocacy/PDFs/Advocacy%20and%20Leadership%20Workbook.pdf
Price: Free
(33 pp.) PDF