Eyes on Bullying . . . What Can You Do?: A Toolkit to Prevent Bullying in Children’s Lives
By Kim Storey, Ron Slaby, Melanie Adler, Jennifer Minotti, and Rachel Katz
Successful bullying prevention includes education, preparation, and teamwork. This toolkit provides specific insights, strategies, activities, and resources to address bullying. It is designed especially for caregivers and parents of preschool and school-age children and youth to use in child care programs, afterschool and youth programs, and camps.
This toolkit will help you:
- Understand the extent, seriousness, and dynamics of bullying
- Recognize and respond early and effectively to behaviors that can lead to bullying
- Learn about new, effective strategies for controlling bullying
- Prepare children to recognize and respond effectively to early bullying behavior
- Teach children how everyone—bullies, victims, bystanders, and supportive adults—can help control bullying
- Create an environment where everyone understands that bullying behaviors are unacceptable, harmful, and preventable
- Empower yourself and children to actively intervene to prevent and stop bullying
Contact Info: Ronald Slaby (1-800-225-4276 x2315)
Project Website: Eyes on Bullying
Published by: Education Development Center, Inc.
Download a copy of Eyes on Bullying . . . What Can You Do?: A Toolkit to Prevent Bullying in Children’s Lives (750 KB): http://www.eyesonbullying.org/pdfs/toolkit.pdf
Price: Free
(43 pp.) PDF