Weaving a Safety Net: Integrating Injury and Violence Prevention into Maternal and Child Health Programs

By Children's Safety Network

This publication provides a rationale for MCH agencies to address injury and violence prevention (IVP) and offers guidance on integrating injury prevention into established programs such as WIC, Child Death Review, and teen parenting programs. The guide discusses opportunities for integration of IVP into infant and child health programs, adolescent health programs, programs for children with special healthcare needs, and women's health programs.

Contact Info: Elizabeth Frisco (1-800-225-4276 x2928)

Project Website: Children's Safety Network: National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center

Published by: Education Development Center, Inc.

Download a copy of Weaving a Safety Net: Integrating Injury and Violence Prevention into Maternal and Child Health Programs (PDF, 1.2 MB): http://notes.edc.org/HHD/CSN/csnpubs.nsf/cb5858598bf707d58525686d005ec222/b7b0fdd1dd05c719852574720075c654/$FILE/Weaving%20a%20Safety%20Net.pdf

Price: Free
(28 pp.) Print