Promoting Bicycle Safety for Children: Strategies and Tools for Community Programs
By Children's Safety Network
This tool was created for State Maternal & Child Health (MCH) and injury prevention programs to disseminate to local health departments and community organizations interested in developing effective bike safety programs for children and youth. The document summarizes strategies drawn from comprehensive reviews of high quality evaluations to ensure the best possible chances of success. It includes a discussion of bicycle injuries among children and provides annotated lists of the following resources: guides for planning programs; contacts for partners and funding; program evaluation guides; and sources of "off-the-shelf" education materials for dissemination to parents, kids and communities.
Contact Info: Elizabeth Frisco (1-800-225-4276 x2928)
Project Website: Children's Safety Network: National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center
Published by: Education Development Center, Inc.
Download a copy of Promoting Bicycle Safety for Children: Strategies and Tools for Community Programs (PDF, 557 KB):
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