Ensuring Quality: Ministry of Education and NGOs Responding to the AIDS Pandemic

By Scott Pulizzi, Pauline Russell-Brown, David Clarke, Connie Constantine, and Laurie Rosenblum

To respond to HIV and AIDS, Ministries of Education in the Caribbean, have found they can benefit considerably from structured partnerships with international, national, and community-based non-governmental organisations (NGOs). This tool assists Ministries of Education in developing quality assurance procedures as they coordinate with NGOs and local schools to implement a comprehensive response to HIV and AIDS.

Contact Info: Scott Pulizzi (1-800-225-4276)

Published by: Education Development Center, Inc.

Download a copy of Ensuring Quality: Ministry of Education and NGOs Responding to the AIDS Pandemic (PDF, 3.97 MB): http://hhd.org/sites/hhd.org/files/NGO_EnsuringQuality_lowres.pdf

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(38 pp.) PDF