Positive Partnerships: A Toolkit for the Greater Involvement of People Living with or Affected by HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean Education Sector

By EDC and UNESCO Kingston Cluster Office for the Caribbean

The toolkit aims to assist education sector staff, networks of people living with HIV, and others to apply the principles for the greater involvement of people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS (GIPA) in a comprehensive approach for the education sector’s response to HIV and AIDS.

The toolkit includes 10 activities, each requiring from 1 to 3 hours, which can be modified as needed. The activities introduce the basics of HIV and AIDS, the concept of GIPA, and ways its principles can be incorporated into a comprehensive approach for the education sector’s HIV and AIDS initiatives. It includes capacity building activities focused on advocacy skills. The issues surrounding stigma and discrimination, as well as confidentiality and disclosure, are addressed via case studies and role plays.

Contact Info: Carmen Aldinger (1-800-225-4276 x2362)

Published by: Education Development Center, Inc.

Download a copy of this document from the UNESCO website (PDF, 4.89 MB): http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0018/001879/187912E.pdf

Price: Free
ISBN: 789231 041600
(222 pp.) PDF