Mathematics Curriculum: Issues, Trends, and Future Directions, 72nd Yearbook

By By Barbara Reys, Robert Reys, and Rheta Rubenstein (editors)

Mathematics curriculum has long been a topic of keen interest in mathematics education and remains a central issue in efforts to improve mathematics learning opportunities for students.

This Yearbook continues in a long line of NCTM Yearbooks that have addressed various facets of the changing mathematics curriculum. Although some factors such as tradition can inhibit significant change, other factors such as policy (e.g., federal No Child Left Behind legislation), societal needs (mathematically literate graduates), and technological advances (computer software, calculators) foster and accelerate the need for change.

This Yearbook reflects some of the many issues that the field is currently discussing so it serves as both a record of current advances and a summary of challenges regarding curriculum. We hope that it will both guide and stimulate thinking about where we have been, where we are, and where we need to go.

Features chapters written by EDC:

  • "Mathematics Applied to Curriculum Development: Lessons Learned on the Job" by Al Cuoco, Jean Benson, Bowen Kerins, Sarah Sword, and Kevin Waterman
  • "How Do Districts Choose Mathematics Textbooks?" by June Mark, Deborah Spencer, Julie Koehler Zeringue, and Katherine Schwinden

Contact Info: Albert Cuoco (1-800-225-4276 x2563)

Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Order Info

Learn more about this title on the publisher’s website:

Price: $52.95
ISBN: 9780873536431
(362 pp.) Print