TIP: Teaching Immunization Practices: A Comprehensive Curriculum for Nurses
A collaborative effort of the American Nurses Association, the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine, the Centers for Diseae Control, and Education Development Center, Teaching Immunization Practices (TIP) consists of three modules--Basic Principles of Immunization; Basic Principles of Vaccine Use; and Immunization Practice, Delivery, and Program Design--developed to help future and practicing nurses fulfill their roles as providers, educators, and advocates for proper immunization. These modules, which were field-tested with over 480 students in 11 nursing programs, can be used in their entirety as a comprehensive program. Alternatively, the modules, lessons, slides,case studies, and handouts can be used individually or combined to make a "custom fit" with existing related course materials.
Contact Info: Kimberly Dash (1-800-225-4276 x2425)
Published by: Assoc. of Teachers of Prevention Order Info
Curriculum package, inlcuding slides and transparencies
Price: $150.00
SKU: 9915
(200 pp.) Print