Risk and Reality: Implications of Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Other Drugs (A research review)

By Joanne Brady, Marc Posner, Cynthia Lang, Michael Rosati

The use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol exact a steep price from our society. The complicity of substance abuse in serious social ills such as crime, domestic violence, and traffic injuries is well established. Recently, however, another threat has come to the attention of the public. This is the threat to children born to women who abuse alcohol and other drugs during their pregnancy. Experts now estimate that one-half to three-quarters of a million infants are born each year who have been exposed to one or more illicit drugs in utero. When the legal drugs—alcohol and tobacco—are added, the figure rises to considerably more than one million substance exposed infants.

Contact Info: Joanne Brady (1-800-225-4276 x2312)

Published by: Education Development Center, Inc.

Dowmload for free: http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/cyp/drugkids.htm

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