EDC Publications

Browsing: International Development

71 results were found.

A Call to Action: HIV/AIDS, Health, Safety, and the Youth Employment Summit
Robin Franz, Cheryl Vince Whitman, Wendy Santis, Scott Pulizzi, Carmen Aldinger, and Michael Rosati (2002).

Addressing Corruption in Education: A Toolkit for Youth from Youth
EDC Staff (2012).

Bangladesh Youth Employment Pilot (BYEP): Program Description & Assessment Findings
Education Development Center, Inc. (December 2008).

Case Studies in Global School Health Promotion: From Research to Practice
Carmen Aldinger and Cheryl Vince Whitman (editors) (April 2009).

Critical Transitions: Human Capacity Development Across the Lifespan
Beryl Levinger (1996).

Digital Education: Opportunities for Social Collaboration
Michael Thomas (editor); features a chapter by EDC's Mary Burns (February 2011).

Disasters and the Aftermath: Building Life Skills for Health and Education (Young People's Forum Final Report)
Michael J. Rosati (2007).

Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes, Models, and Methods
Mary Burms (2011).

Early Childhood Programming in Developing Countries: Some Policy Considerations
Joanne P. Brady and Julie Hirschler (1995).

Education for All Youth Challenge Grant (EFA): City Year in South Africa
EDC, City Year, and City Year South Africa (2009).

Education for All Youth Challenge Grant (EFA): Engaging Young Men in Jamaica's Urban Areas
EDC and People’s Action for Community Transformation in Jamaica (Jamaica PACT) (2009).

Education for All Youth Challenge Grant (EFA): Sports for Youth Development Uganda
EDC and The Kids League (2009).

Education in Fragile Contexts: Selected Case Studies
EDC’s International Development Division (2011).

Educational Quality in Islamic Schools, Report #1: Nigeria
Fouad Abd-El-Khalick (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Helen Boyle, and Daniel Pier (2006-11-14).

EI/WHO Training and Resource Manual on School Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention
EDC for Education International and the World Health Organisation (March 2001).

Ensuring Quality: Ministry of Education and NGOs Responding to the AIDS Pandemic
Scott Pulizzi, Pauline Russell-Brown, David Clarke, Connie Constantine, and Laurie Rosenblum (2009).

EQUIP3 Lessons Learned (2003-2012): Experiences in Livelihoods, Literacy, and Leadership in Youth Programs in 26 Countries
EDC (April 2012).

Evaluation of the Jordan Education Initiative
EDC and RTI International (April 2008).

Evaluation of the Step by Step Program
Joanne P. Brady, David K. Dickinson, Julie Hirschler, and Theodore Cross with Laurette C. Green

Exploring Humanitarian Law - EHL: Educational Modules for Young People
International Committee of the Red Cross and EDC (Marilyn Clayton Felt, Susan Christie Woodward, Marjorie Jones, Barbara S. Powell et. al) (September 2002).

Formative Evaluation for Interactive Radio Instruction
Andrea Bosch and Jessica Miranda (January 2001).

Gender in Youth Livelihoods and Workforce Development Programs
EDC (2012).

Guide to Assessing and Designing Tourism Workforce Development Programs
Alejandra Bonifaz, Don Hawkins, and Ron Israel (2010).

Guide to Cross-Sectoral Youth Assessments
Ron Israel, Barry Stern, and Clare Ignatowski of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2009).

Health Promotion, Schools and Community: The Labyrinth of Implementation
Pan American Health Organization and EDC's Health and Human Development Programs (2009).

Helping Children Outgrow War
Vachel Miller et. al, Edited by Ash Hartwell (August, 2002).

HIV/AIDS and Employment: Protecting Young People and Involving Them in Work-Related Solutions
Wendy Santis, Cheryl Vince Whitman, Sridhar Venkatapuram, Laurie Rosenblum, Michael Rosati, and Puneetha Palakurthi (2003).

Improving Educational Quality through Interactive Radio Instruction: A Toolkit for Policy Makers and Planners
Stephen Anzalone and Andrea Bosch with editorial assistance from Douglas Lehman and Nancy Levine (2005).

Inclusion Is the Answer: Unions Involving and Supporting Educators Living with HIV
Scott Pulizzi, Laurie Rosenblum, and Mora Oommen (2007).

Involving Young People in Efforts to Combat HIV and AIDS in Africa: The Importance of Income-Generating Strategies
Wendy Santis, Laurie Rosenblum, Cheryl Vince Whitman, and Anthony Bloome (May 2007).

Islamic Education Sector Study: Ghana
Helen N. Boyle, Sheikh Zakaria Seebaway, Ismail Lansah, and Abdenour Boukamhi (October 2007).

Jobs for the 21st Century: Cambodia Assessment
Erik Payne Butler, Caroline Fawcett, Vicheanon Khieu, Robert Miltz, Samsen Neak, and Francisco Roman (August 2006).

Jobs for the 21st Century: India Assessment
C.K. Basu, Charles Conconi, Heather Elmer, Caroline Fawcett, Ronald Israel, Amir Khan, and Glen Witter (November 2005).

Jobs for the 21st Century: Indonesia Assessment
Gerald Boardman, Roehl Briones, Caroline Fawcett, Abdul Hamid, and Yustina Rostiawati (March 2007).

Jobs for the 21st Century: Philippines Assessment
Heather Elmer, Caroline Fawcett, Ronald Israel, David James-Wilson, Erlinda C. Pefianco, Francisco Roman, Lynn Salinger, Adrienne R. Smith, and Teresa M. Soriano (December 2005).

Jobs for the 21st Century: Sri Lanka Assessment
Darshini DeZoysa, Caroline Fawcett, John Helwig, Nirmali Hettiarachchi, Janet Orr, Sujatha Ratnayake, and Mark Sorensen (May 2006).

Jobs for the 21st Century: Synthesis Paper
Caroline Fawcett, Roehl Briones, and Aiken Tafgar (June 2007).

Leadership in the HIV and AIDS Response: A Toolkit for Teachers’ Unions to Promote Health and Improve Education
Scott Pulizzi and Laurie Rosenblum (January 2009).

Leading the Way in the Education Sector: Advocating for a Comprehensive Approach to HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean
Mora Oommen, Diane Barry, and Kim Netter (2005).

Learning for Life: Classroom Activities for HIV and AIDS Education
Scott Pulizzi and Laurie Rosenblum (December 2009).

Lessons Learned from Moving the Haitian Out-Of-School Youth Livelihood Initiative (IDEJEN) Beyond the Pilot Phase
Melanie Beauvy, Ron Israel, Sarah Johnson, and Marie Guerda Prévilon (2010).

LifeWorks Youth Enterprise Development: A ROAD to HIV Prevention and Mitigation in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Tamara Duggleby, Melanie Beauvy, and Christopher Degnan (August 2008).

Literacy for Out-of-School Youth: A Program Guide
Educational Quality Improvement Program 3 (EQUIP3) Staff (2010).

Mpilonhle Mobile Health and Education Project: HIV and AIDS Activities 1–8 (Year 1) for Youth in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Scott Pulizzi and Laurie Rosenblum (2008).

Nutrition as an Entry Point for Health-Promoting Schools: Lessons from China
Carmen Aldinger, Peter Glasauer, Yu Sen-Hai, Xia Shi-Chang, Tang Shu-Ming (2003).

Out-of-School Youth in Developing Countries: What the Data Do (and Do Not) Tell Us
Caroline Fawcett; Ash Hartwell, University of Massachusetts; and Ron Israel (September 2010).

Positive Partnerships: A Toolkit for the Greater Involvement of People Living with or Affected by HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean Education Sector
EDC and UNESCO Kingston Cluster Office for the Caribbean (2010).

Promoting Health Through Schools: Report of a World Health Organization Expert Committee on Comprehensive School Health Education and Promotion
EDC (1997).

Quranic Schools: Agents of Preservation and Change
Helen N. Boyle (2004).

Radio Instruction to Strengthen Education (RISE) in Zanzibar: Impact Study
Zanzibar’s Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and EDC (November 2009).

Rapid Youth Assessment in the Eastern Caribbean
Barry Stern and Ramon Balestino (2008).

Reproductive Health Programs for Young Adults: School-Based Programs
Isolde Birdthistle and Cheryl Vince Whitman (1997).

School Fee Policies and Practices in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Situational Analysis and Perspectives for the Future
the Education Policy Team of the USAID-funded PAGE Project (January 2007).

Security-Based Approach to Development
Upali M. Sedere (2005).

Step by Step: A Guide to HIV and AIDS Policy Development for the Education Sector
David Clarke, Connie Constantine, Mora Oommen, Virginia Ross, and Cheryl Vince Whitman (2008).

Stepping into the Future: An Impact Evaluation for the Deutsche Bank Project
Anita Yang, Angela Chen, Elliott Prasse-Freeman, Chutarat Wongsuwon, Olivier Roux, Wen-Chia Chang, and Prawit Thainiyom (September 2006).

Technical and Vocational Education and Training
EDC (2012).

Technology Teaching and Learning: Research, Experience, & Global Lessons Learned
Mary Burns (2012).

Tend the Olive, Water the Vine: Negotiating Palestinian Early Childhood Development in the Context of Globalization
Rachel Christina (2006).

The Afghanistan Literacy and Community Empowerment Program (LCEP): Final Report
Cornelia Janke (March 2007).

The Community School Alliances Project: Advancing the State of the Art of Community Participation in Basic Education
The Community School Alliances Project Staff (2005).

The Voice of Children: Student Well-Being and the School Environment, Middle East Pilot
Marwan Awartani, Cheryl Vince Whitman, and Jean Gordon (Fall 2007).

Togetherness: How Governments, Corporations, and NGOs Partner to Support Sustainable Development in Latin America
Beryl Levinger and Jean McLeod (July, 2002).

Tuned In to Student Success: Assessing the Impact of Interactive Radio Instruction for the Hardest to Reach
Jennifer Ho and Hetal Thukral with an Introduction by Mike Laflin (February 2009).

Using Technology to Train Teachers: Appropriate Uses of ICT for Teacher Professional Development in Developing Countries
Edmond Gaible and Mary Burns (2005).

What Community Participation in Schooling Means
Jennifer Swift-Morgan (2006).

YCoP Links: The Next Generation
Produced as part of the USAID Youth Community of Practice (YCoP) by EDC (2012).

Youth Community of Practice (YCoP) Links: The First 50 Issues
Suzanne Kratzig and Ann Hershkowitz (July 2009).

Youth Councils: An Effective Way to Promote Youth Participation
Educational Quality Improvement Program 3 (EQUIP3) Staff (2009).

Youth Livelihoods Development Program Guide
David James-Wilson (June 2008).

Youth Service Programs: A Study of Promising Models in International Development
Ron Israel and Sarah Nogueira-Sanca (April 2011).